Red is the highest conservation priority, with species on this list needing urgent action. Species on this list, such as swifts, are globally threatened, with big declines in breeding populations and ranges.
The numbers seen in the UK fell by half between 1995 and 2015. A lack of suitable nest sites is a major problem in the UK! Swifts like to live in older houses and churches, squeezing through tiny gaps to nest inside roofs. But as old buildings are renovated and gaps in soffits are closed, nest sites are fast disappearing as our are swifts.
As a specialist clinic for swifts, house martins and swallows, we see the issues first hand, such as established breeders suffering catastrophic injuries looking for nest sights, fights between other bird species, again due to lack of nesting sights.
We admit a high percentage of Swift chicks over the summer periods, due to the soaring heat inside older nest boxes, they become a furnace at 35 degrees, they dive out to their deaths. Which is why we have partnered with Impeckable who have created and temperature tested their Swift nest boxes. Impeckable Swift nest boxes have an open rear, using the host property as a back to the nest box, the interior temperature is reduced by the cooling effect of the masonry.
Every sold Impeckable SST Swift nest box will kindly donate 10% directly to Gabo Wildlife to support our work to rehabilitate the casualties back to the wing. All you have to do is then drop a message with your purchase with Gabo Wildlife on the note.
SST Single Swift Nest Box
The SST Swift box is perfect for even the hottest temperatures having been designed to use air flow to keep the box and inhabitants cooler, there is also a canopy which deflects most of the heat from direct
£ 72.00 each
Please add on your purchase, Gabo Wildlife in order to support our work to rehabilitate injured, sick or orphaned apus apus back on the wing.
Swift double Chamber Colony Nest Box,
Fantastic double chamber colony nest box, perfect for attracting swifts to your garden, it offers perfect protection for the babies and the young swifts
£ 122.00 each
Please add on your purchase, Gabo Wildlife in order to support our work to rehabilitate injured, sick or orphaned Apus apus back on the wing.
Our mission is simple to help revive the bird population in the UK, this is a massive problem at the moment with numbers in deep decline over the last few years. Our products are the market leader.